Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today, I have learnt how to paraphrase in class and our partner showed us a whole presentation explaining how to be a good paraphraser, I have learnt that sometimes in writing academic you need to support your ideas and you can do it by paraphrasing or summaryzing.
In paraphrase you take information from another side and you rewrite it but in your own words, according to my partner the paraphrased text has to be as long as the original and also it is important how to use that information you took with out committing plagiarisim, the paraphrased text it has not to be too similar to the original in that case you would be committing plagiarism and when you don't paraphrase do not forget to cite..
Of course we have learnt too how to summarize and summarazing it is different from paraphrasing, because it is shorter than it, it includes only the main ponts and you leave out most details.
I think it is a good exercise and we are learning how to be good at academic writing, this semester has been more interesting because of that, even when I am not so good at writing but I have got better at it! thanks teachiii! :)

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