Thursday, October 30, 2014


Yesterday, we had an amazing performance, it was really awesome, I think we did very well and also we improve our English, it took a lot of time to practice the whole presentation, with that presentation I learnt how to be fluent in English and also I learnt new vocabulary, I did not talk too much in the performance buuuttttt I learnt about it :D and I am very thankful with the teacher for that.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Learning Learning

today I failed my English Midterm exam and I got very disappointed I realise yesterday that I don't practice english outside the classroom and I was not writing on the blog frecuently and of course I need something to write about.
after posting on the blog yesterday I listen to an evanescence's song and I tried to listen carefully  then I lestened again and then I put the video lyric of the song and I discovered some new words I did not know  and I looked for them on I discovered different meanings depending on the context as the teacher have told us before, those words are on my mind now :d  
and also it is an amazing song!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Instagram Moment

Hello teacher, Today I want to share something, dew days ago the teacher was explainning us about the ''real life'' and  how you are going to use your second laanguage and  all it is about practicing, he also talked about how important is to read in your second language, you are learning more! so I started today and I read something about ''Signs you're addicted to Instagram'' and it was really funny, they spoke about points that are totally, it was cool and I also learnt about the meaning of words in different contexts and new words. Falling in love with English <3

3. You can’t eat anything without posting it on Instagram first. You will literally slap your friend’s hand away before she even tries to take a fry from your perfectly arranged plate.
4. You've forced strangers to retake a bunch of pics of you and your friends to get the perfect shot. Who cares if you don't know that random guy?

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Long time ago since I write, Ok, today I learned something really important and everytime I realised that there are a lot of things that I don't know, the teacher showed us a game and then  we played and we screamed a loooott I loved it! then we practiced with a TOEFL simulator, and we got wrong a lot of times, but we also learned a lot of things, the teacher was explainning meanwhile I took notes and it was great and interesting I feel like I should study more!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hi! hope You are fine, ok  I had a problem! not anymore!!! :D last monday, I had an oral exam and it looked really hard, I studied for it a lot, but I had a problem; there was a sentence that I couldn't pronounce very well and I got worng many times, It was: "We've got these three free tickets to see three...."  I did not know how to pronounce ''these three free'' I mixed up those words when I was pronouncing them, I tried over and over again and I got frustrated, sooo I did this thing, looked for a video on Youtube, of course I know how to look for good references, then finally I learned!! and I am so happy about that then I have got  a good grade. Here is the video.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Look who's speaking 2!

Hi! teacher! I am so happy! :D Look. last time I was Saying that I was watching the look who's speaking's videos, well i decided to contact them because I don't understand so much the british accent of the girl and they answered to me!  We have a little but juicy conversation, They told me that they will currently work on a solution for people like me that don't understand that accent! I am waiting for those videos, I also improve my english and I learned some words that I didn't know! that was it :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

look who's speaking!

Hello teacher! today I was looking for some information about speech production because I felt really sad when the teacher said to me that I have to get better my pronunciation. I found some videos and the channel is called ''look who's speaking'' they are linguistic major, one of them speaks with British accent and the other one speaks with American accent, It was hard to understand but with some practice I can make it :) and they also speak about:  consonants, stress, accents and other stuff.
they are awesome.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hello Teacher, well today I had a homework and It was to look for a radio online and listen to it.
I did it, it was awesome ! the speakers are teachers and They speak really well English, They have programs on the radio in order to teach english!  I listened to the salad program. They spoke about healthy life and other stuff, a really interesting part of the program that I liked, It was ''the grammar point'' they spoke about prhasal verbs and I learned about some new ones! I liked it a lot.

Friday, September 19, 2014


Hi teacher... Hope you are fine, Today I was looking for an activity to practice my English and I found something interesting! a page where you can interactive with native speakers and it has a lot of games in order for your pronunciation gets better, I have not practiced on it yet But I hope to do it over these coming days.
the page is:
i would like to share the page with my classmates, I think it is a wonderful way to practice English, especially your pronuncition :D Bye!

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Hi, teacher.... what do I know about vocabulary? well I realised today that I probably know somethings but I still don't know enough.
I was reading an article about kendall jenner at New York's Fashion Week and even being an article about fashion, there were a lot of unknown words for me, I had to look for the meaning and that was annoying....I think I have to learn and to study because I really want to know about English, I mean I am studying for being a teacher I want to do my best.... Hope to do it! :D

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Hi Teacher!  today I improve my pronunciation, I think I Love improving the pronunciation.
So I decided to listening somo music, again! and I put an Inna's song ft Pitbull  called ''Good time'' and the part when Pitbull sings is really difficult or at least for me It is. It's like a rap or kind of, I wanted to learn It but I couldn't, I had to do the excersises the people do when they are singers, and I finally could but it doesn't sound as good as him, I let flow my tongue and my mouth.... but anyway, I made it!
this is the video! Enjoy it teacher, I know you will ;)

Friday, September 12, 2014

english page.....

today was a normal day, as a rule :3 buuuuuut! I discovered something! i don't know english a much as I thought, I was in my english class and the teacher put us a reading and we had to answer some questions, and my level was not very good, then the teacher showed us a game about simple words it's called walkman,story man, i don't remeber it, and I just completed 5 words even thought being simple words, so i decided to go the english page and I watched the tutorial Online and i practiced my english grammar after watching the tutorial on the web I worked on the english page excersices and my score was good I worked with prepositions.... i think that was it :) XOXO

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

birtish accent!

ok, recently I've been really busy but today I was bored and I decided to do something to improve my listening, so I put some videos that i used to watch when I was 13 or 14 I don't remember now but I used to watch them and I didn't know anything what they were saying and of course I did not know that they had british accent then! I used to watch them with subtitles but sometimes there were some videos without subs and I just watched them no matter what! i was in love with Mcfly! what can  I say? I was just a kid with no social life aaaand a computer. :3 so I was thinking about that today and I was like... it's been a while.... and now i think i know more about english... let's do it! :d I put one with music in the background! and I got  confused with some stuff but I payed attention, then I put one without backgrounds, (the same video) and I  could understand almost everything what they were saying but i had to follow their lips and pay so much attention.
 I found that their accent it's really hard and they speak really  fast,well at least for me it is, you really need to know about english to undestand them, you have to practice a lot. I think it's a really good way to learn! LOVING ENGLISH.... XOXO

hre's the video
Mcfly confessions.

Friday, September 5, 2014


What's up! hope you're fine :) I went to my phonetics class and i learnt a lot of things a did not know, like the allophones, minimal pairs and other stuff then after lunch i went home thinking about that and i turned on my laptop and listened to music and i watch a miley's song, like a rap, i had not seen it before! i heard some words and the pronunciation it was the same the teacher told us! i was like oooohhhh..... now everthing is clear :D loved it.                                                                    XOXO

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Ok, i have already said that i love NASA's stuff...... i was reading about Apollo 17  the mission to the moon, the spacecraft even showed debris far far away from there  the mission was the last landing of humans  on the moon  and it was the last use of Apollo hardware for its original mission in 1972, i loved it! the astronauts brought  lunar rocks from the moon to the museums of  several countries.
i have learnt new words and uses. loved itttt!!!!!!.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Ok the teacher is soooooooooo  right!  the accent is very important in your english pronunciation and of course the reduction and all that stuff! i love english and i hope learn it very well! anyway, i was listening to music and then appeared a commercial like those annoying commercials on youtube and  this one looked a little bit interesting so i decided to watch it, it was about the radio disney music award  and a lot of celebrities and the entreviewer spoke really nice and fast and it was understandable! i practice my listening and also i repeated  all that they said and i loved how it sounded then i decided to watch some videos about pronunciation online and that's it :D

Thursday, August 28, 2014

the perfume

Ok this book it´s really interesting well maybe sometimes gets really boring but i think it is a wooonderfuuul story, i have learnt about a  supernatural human and it is really incredible how many words i didn´t know! it was really hard to read but i finally did it! i am kind of proud because it took loooooooooooooong time to read it and tomorrow it's the test about it jijiji :$ i loved this reading i wish i could tell everybody to read this thing jeje :) and i think that was the thing that captured all my attention over this days :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

spiring moment

Heeyyy! :D Today was a normal day :3 as a rule! but i am very thankful..... Today i read an article about a girl, actually  a famous girl. Her name is Debby Ryan she's a disney actress i loved that article, is very inspiring! she wants to be a director and she told the enterviewer how she got her first episode directed by her, she said that you need to learn everything you want and ask questions,take the initiative and never EVER give up! and also (of course) i learnt some new words, reinforce my reading skills and like everything in life you have to be dedicated to learn something you love :D

Friday, August 22, 2014

modal verbs

well i realized that i am really bad at using the modal verbs. My partners explained yesterday something about that  and i don´t know if i really don´t know the topic or if i just got confused, i think it was because i was recording the class, the teacher assigned an  activity about the topic and i didn´t know how to fill the gaps ! that was so embarrassed! so i decided to do something about that and i found some explanations about it in my oxford dictionary and now i am a little bit more ready to fill the gaps :D yayy!!  the teacher will explain the topic on Monday! so i am wating. :3

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

bored day, wendy & christian's lesson

today was a normal and bored day! i didn't like it but suddenly i went to my english class   and there were wendy and christian  they were about to give today´s class and they did it, it was awesome! i reinforce my knowledge about the present perfect and simple past and  then the teacher talked about the present perfect continous, i wasn´t really sure about how to use it, but now  i do. At night i heard a red hot chilli pepper´s song ''the otherside'' i practiced my pronunciation, i think i said something about me and the songs before ;) that was it! have a great night! i hope the teacher read my blog because it has been like one week or two  and he hasn't known my name yet! i got a little bit sad, i am part of the class too but anyway  byeee! :3

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

lost at night.

Hey! i was lost at night! but in a different way, i was lost watching the beautiful pictures of the Earth from the International Space  Administration. I´ve read about a project that has the NASA to organize the pictures taken because it´s a hugeeee puzzle, they don´t know which direction the astronaut pointed the camera, they only know where the station was at the time the image was taken, i learned about the crowdsourcing project. i have no idea about that before. The view is amazing but we can also see how high is the light pollution. i love all the NASA´s stuff :3

Friday, August 15, 2014

miley and verb patterns

today i praticed a lot of english, me and my classmates were in the classroom and the teacher told us about an amazing word-game and i loved it, i didn´t want to stop :/ but i had to, i learned some new words and  i have to keep playing maybe another day. i had to go runnig to the restaurant today, hope the teacher can understand me :)  in the moorning i talked with my bff about our task for tuesday and i got a re-view about our asigned topic for the presentation because i couldn´t remember it very well, so, thanks teacher! then i went to the english class, i have already said that. in the afternoon i read an article about miley cyrus  i didn´t know what was an impresionator  and  spotted, but know i know!  i loved that article, how crazy are the people!  i love those readings, then i am finishing my day listenings to music! i have internet for free today! :D

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Well, few days ago i was at home, lying on my bed, very tired and also it was very late at night I wanted to listen to some music because I loooove pretend that i know how to sing very well :3 and i hadn't listened music long time ago, so that was my oportunity i had internet that night! and guess what! i am an inna fan so put her new songs and i learned them, i practiced my english pronunciation, i learned some new words and i also stay up really late at night but i really enjoyed it.