Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Instagram Moment

Hello teacher, Today I want to share something, dew days ago the teacher was explainning us about the ''real life'' and  how you are going to use your second laanguage and  all it is about practicing, he also talked about how important is to read in your second language, you are learning more! so I started today and I read something about ''Signs you're addicted to Instagram'' and it was really funny, they spoke about points that are totally, it was cool and I also learnt about the meaning of words in different contexts and new words. Falling in love with English <3

3. You can’t eat anything without posting it on Instagram first. You will literally slap your friend’s hand away before she even tries to take a fry from your perfectly arranged plate.
4. You've forced strangers to retake a bunch of pics of you and your friends to get the perfect shot. Who cares if you don't know that random guy?

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