Wednesday, March 25, 2015

technical vocabulary

Technical vocabulary can be difficult to understand for english learners specially when  it does not belong to your interest center and it becomes really frustraring.
Every english learner should develop this kind of vocabulary because it is supposed that we  should know a lot of vocabulary in any context but even ''any'' context can be too difficult for us.
Today I was reading an article about veterinary medicine because a firend asked me to help her with this article that is in english, and I though, it can not be too difficult, but damn! when I started reading it I was like WHAT!? I had no idea about the meaning of a lot of words I had to look for every word I did not know and then it became really frustraring.
I think it is really important to start reading this kind of articles, but the easy ones in order to get out of our comfort zones and learn new vocabulary even when sometimes it is frustraring! Start now!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Total solar eclipse

Today it happened something pretty beautiful but unfortunately I could not apreciate it (so sad) 
I was surfing the internet in the morning and what I found, while I was sleeping there was a Total solar eclipse in the other side of the earth, there was an article on the BBC News page about it and it looked incredible, at the beginning I could not understand a lot of technical words so I looked for them on the internet and I learned a lot of new vocabulary and actually even when from this side of the world we could not see the eclipse, tonight we will have a really huge moon, because tonight the moon will be really close to the earth! finally  I interacted with this page that it has a lot of articles, news and among others!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I was just chilling and looking for something to read, because teachers say that it is important to read, specially extensively, because you enjoy the reading and all that stuff, but I was like '' I want to learn something new'' ''not just for enjoyment'' and there it was, history and nature together  my two favorite topics and they were together!! also there was new vocabulary, so I felt so happy about learning and enjoy the topics!
 In the Madagascar island,  around 5000 years ago there was a lot of diversity of animals, but nowadays they have been extinct. The introduce of cattle and humans into the island have provoked the extinction of these animals. There is a clear instance about that when an Asutralian diver, Ryan Dart uncovered three flooded caves, calling then,  colleagues of him, "The materials we found in the caves are almost pristine,"  Alfred Rosenberger. the bones of individual animals  were also found so closely grouped together, palaeontologists thing that these bones are from extinct lemurs the size of gorillas. 
 Here is the Link where you can find more info. about it.

Friday, March 13, 2015

A look inside children's minds

 people think that knowing what is thinking a child is so complicated, and actually it is but scientits have descovered a way  to do it and that is what I found in this reading called ''a look inside children's minds'' and they talked about the neural activity inside children's brain, how children's minds differ for one 3 year-old child to one 4 year-old child.
I think it is important, because it help us to find out how to carry on with the cognitive problems children have when they are growin up,
here is the link:




Some young people think that love is a complicated feeling. It is the responsable of making  young people's mind go crazy fulled with thoughts and hard decissions , is the moment in which the beating heart wins over the brain and reason, this is so claimed to be the worst but best feeling of all. There are a lot of news about people commiting insane actions caused by not being corresponded for someone or cheated on. For example; there was this one girl called Susan who killed her husband for some kisses she found on his t-shirt "People Magazine", second there are a lot of stories about people killing themselves because of love. In short, love must be carry on with maturity and cold head reactions, it is complicated but not imposible.

Teacher, Wendy have already posted on the blog yesterday :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

state and county fairs

Today a learn a lot about modern society, as the teacher said we need to learn  a lot about everything in order to take the IELTS test and also  I think it is important to know about general culture,
I was doing an assigment and I decided to practice the intensive reading to get a better comprehension of everything and I realized about a lot of vocabulary that I did not know and a lot of traditions North Americans have, it is really crazy, funny and entertaining how they found a way to put everything together; the Fair,  in this document we found all the traditions that usually are in the fairs, all the contests, the  themes,  even when the fairs consist the most part  in farming, there is a lot you can find about other topics, like technology .
I think this topic of Fairs is really interesting because shows us how well conservated is the culture and how they keep on these traditions since long time ago.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Nowdays most people in the world are worrying about how damaged is the mother nature and how we can take care of it.
As we have seen through this last few years, as years have gone, the weather has changed a lot and is  getting worst, this is because of us, the question now is;  what were we thinking?
First of all since the globalization; the integration for the interchange of world views, products ideas and other aspects of culture, we forgot about nature, all the employers and bussiness men started to think about money taking advantage of nature, they cut off  trees for their products, they killed animals for clothes and the people just sat down and bought everything in the marker, in other words we swept the nature.
Now we are thinking about how can we recant all the damaged, the answer is starting one by one, even with little things, the damage now is huge but we are too if we joing together.
In brief  now that we realized about all of this, we need to recover it, somehow, nature does not need people, people need nature.